naomi's village testimonials

Naomi’s Village Testimonials

May our dear Lord continue to bless you abundantly in all ways.

My name is Prof Christine Jowi the pediatric cardiologist taking care of David Joseph Olerinkoi.
Today I did a full cardiovascular evaluation on him and I am extremely grateful for the care he has been given. He is quite active and stable despite some minor issues.
May Our Dear Lord continue to Bless you abundantly in all ways.

Prof Christine Jowi

Naomi's Village Home

These children will become game changers in the world

What you are doing out there is touching real lives and transforming communities and families alike.

In so doing, you are also helping to bring to pass Scripture in Acts 10:34 where the Apostle Peter exclaims that God is not a respecter of persons! These children who lived erstwhile in squalor and hopeless conditions will undoubtedly become game changers in their communities and the world at large because you’ve allowed God to use you in mobilizing financial and human resources in order to give them the same opportunities as other children (including ourselves) who once were or are now being raised in normal nuclear families.

I’m tempted to liken our Cornerstone children as those that have made the Schindler’s List, knowing there are hundreds of such around the country and the Continent who will never reach their full potential (some will even die before their 5th birthday) for every child you bring into the Cornerstone/ Naomi’s Village family.

May the Holy One of Israel renew your strength and keep your eyes stayed on the prize as we press on to the mark of our high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Lincoln Njenga

Cornerstone Preparatory Academy - Kenya, Board Member and Treasurer; Trustee - Cornerstone Endowment Trust
naomi's village testimonials

From the moment I entered the gate I felt a sense of peace, belonging and fulfillment.

“Life Changing Experience”…That phrase seems cliche and maybe even overused, but for me, this is just what my time at Naomi’s Village was- life changing.  From the moment I entered the gate I felt a sense of peace, belonging and fulfillment.  If I felt this way I can only imagine how the children feel.  This place is nothing short of amazing.  From the landscape and the breathtaking views, to the beautiful souls that inhabit Naomi’s Village…it is a very special place.  Everyone at Naomi’s Village is welcoming, warm, genuine and makes you feel like you are meant to be there, and that you too, belong.  I can’t quite imagine working and/or living in a place where you have new people coming in on a weekly basis.  I would imagine it could feel daunting, overwhelming and even sometimes frustrating.  But here I never once got that feeling.  I was greeted with warm smiles and welcoming waves-always.  The staff and children here are just beautiful people.  I had the chance to spend time with kids of all ages from babies to teens.  I loved being able to help with feeding and snuggling the babies, helping with schoolwork with the older kids, being a part nighttime devotions, watching the kids play on the soccer field, playing with the kids on the new playground, riding bikes and just being able to interact daily while I was there.  I was so blessed to be able to meet my sponsored child, Jane, from Cornerstone while I was here and that moment is one I will NEVER forget.  We got to spend time together reading, singing, playing and just being together.  Being able to see Jane in person, hug her, talk to her, love on her, was priceless.  I also was able to meet and establish connections with two other girls during my visit- Mary W. and Christine at NV.  These are two very special young ladies who I loved spending time with.  I was able to spend time with them initially during their homework hour early on in my week.  I found myself looking forward to 7:30 so I could head down to the room and spend time with them.  I am happy to say that I came to NV with one sponsored child and left with three.  I am now the proud and very blessed sponsor of Jane, Mary W. and Christine and my heart is so full.  I look so forward to watching these girls grow up and being a part of their lives.  I look forward to praying for them, being there for them and being someone that will encourage them, love them and believe in them.  I am a very proud “Auntie”.  My only complaint of my time at NV was that was simply too short.  I wish I could have spent more time.  Thankfully, I feel welcomed here and I am already looking forward to my next visit.  Naomi’s Village is truly where Hope Begins.  It is a beautiful place with beautiful people and I am so honored to have been a part of it all even if it was for just a week.  #HOPEbegins

Jennifer DuBois


They are all such great kids. It’s a shame we’re limited to seeing them only once a year.

Charelle & I got back home on Saturday from another awesome trip to Kenya. We had a great team (of 20 people) this year. Just wanted to pass along some observations:
It was great as always to see Catherine & Mary G. Catherine is starting to come out of her shell a little bit, and is a lot more outgoing and vocal than she ever has been. We got to have lunch with them at Ubuntu while the “July birthdays” ate at a separate table. It was a really sweet time.
Four NV children were sponsored right there on the spot by four different team members.
The timing was also amazing because we got to see Evalyne, Zakayo, and Mary M as they came home from boarding school (Nairobi). As we played soccer, two of our team members who played college soccer here in the US mentioned that Evalyne & Zakayo were good enough to get into a soccer academy in the US.
When I was doing a devotional at night for the older kids, I asked for a volunteer to read Isaiah chapter 9. Zakayo quickly raised his hand, and came to the front with me and read the chapter. I was super impressed.
Charelle & I pulled Evalyne aside and talked to her about her dream to attend university here in NYC. We told her that since we live here, we’d be happy to be her family here in the USA in two years if she attends university in the NYC area. We’d be happy to have her live with us as well. You should have seen her eyes light up!
Speaking of Evalyne, there is an international exchange program with a Christian high school in our area here. Charelle is looking into it for Evalyne.
We had several parties while at NV, had church, chapel at Cornerstone, and an NV Talent Show. We were all incredibly impressed with Ann and Mary W’s singing voices! Those two girls are entertainers!!! Whatever “it” is, they have it.
It was great to see many of our other favorites as well – Esther (of course!), Millicent, Stella, Joel, and Laban. They are all such great kids. It’s a shame we’re limited to seeing them only once a year.

Josh Raybuck

naomi's village testimonials

The magnitude of it all is mind-blowing.

I want to say that both Travis and I are absolutely floored and overwhelmed by how much you guys have accomplished in just 7 years. It is so evident that your hearts and souls are in this and it is practically a lifetime of work in so little time. I’ve never seen a nonprofit, especially one outside of the States, with so many established programs. You have created such an incredible environment for these children to grow up in and provided them with unimaginable opportunity. Travis and I feel SO lucky to be here right now and I wanted to make sure that we thanked you and Bob for the opportunity!
I feel like I’m just getting the hang of the daily schedule and still not even fully grasping everything that goes into making this place run. I haven’t even been to Cornerstone yet—I can’t believe you have that up and running too! The magnitude of it all is mind-blowing.

Rachel Greiman

Mary Gray

I believe He put Naomi’s Village in my life so that I could experience His goodness in my life and in the lives of others and so that I could see that He has the victory over all evil.

Naomi’s Village is possibly the most joyful place on earth because hope and restoration shatter every hurt and heartache that exists there. Never in my life have I experienced the Gospel as much as I did at Naomi’s Village last summer. Seeing kids step from ashes into beauty and a life restored is why I want to be at NV. Everything about being there is so worth it. Last summer as an intern, I learned what it meant to believe and live out a life that is not my own, but only the Lord’s because the internship is not about me and caring for orphans is not about me – it is about bringing glory to the only One who deserves it.
He has called me to be His servant, so wherever He may lead me and whatever He may call me to do, I just want to follow Him. I believe He put Naomi’s Village in my life so that I could experience His goodness in my life and in the lives of others and so that I could see that He has the victory over all evil. Being at NV is like seeing glimpses of heaven on earth. I love the work NV is doing to bring change to Kenya by instilling hope, confidence, and the love of Christ in the lives of so many little ones and teenagers, both at Naomi’s Village and at Cornerstone. NV’s holistic approach to orphan care and community development is working and making such a huge impact.

Mary Gray

About Us

It was our best Kenyan experience ever!

We can’t express what a great week we had at Naomi’s Village and Cornerstone. Thank you for setting up a fantastic way to visit. It was our best Kenyan experience ever and I can assure you that our hearts are forever joined with your efforts!

Give Moses, Mercy, Laban, Zakayo and the rest a great big hug from us! Frankly, our tearful goodbye with Moses was a game-changer for me.

Tom and Kim Dalton
