An Opportunity to Spread Love to Another
Corner of the World

Preparatory Academy
Click to sponsor a student from the neighboring communities along the Trans-African Highway.

Naomi's Village Home
Click to meet the children living at Naomi’s Village Home.

Click to learn more about our preschoolers who are receiving a jump-start on their education.
become a sponsor today and begin building one of the
Most meaningful relationships in your life.

Your sponsorship provides:
- Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks
- Regular medical evaluations and a personalized health plan, including dental and vision care
- Excellent education by certified Kenyan teachers
- School uniforms, shoes, socks, gym clothing, gym shoes, and all necessary books and supplies
- Bus transport to and from school every day
- Enriching extracurricular activities, including singing, art, dancing, martial arts, etc.
- Spiritual care and development provided by a full-time pastor
Cornerstone Preparatory Academy and LEAP Preschool Children receive all the above, plus:
- Parental/family assistance provided by the Maendeleo Initiative, our community-based program that addresses five key life domains
- Provision of additional trainings and printed resources to parents of students on topics such as family health, hygiene, child development, nutrition, and literacy
Naomi’s Village Home sponsored children also receive:
- A comfortable bed, warm showers daily, attentive caregiving by our loving staff, rich spiritual training, excellent sports and play facilities, and scheduled off-site enrichment activities
- Routine trips to spend time with extended family to foster a sense of belonging
- Individualized trauma counseling when needed
Bring change to Kenya. Our kids have big dreams for themselves and for their nation’s future. Your sponsorship, large or small, will help them create a brighter tomorrow for Kenya.
If you are considering child sponsorship and are looking to learn more, please email