Christine hopes to become an actress when she grows up and is already showing us her skills. In her free time, Christine often writes scripts for performances that she and her friends will present. She loves to learn science and math at school and excels in both....
Christine N. is a bright light in the teen girls’ dorm. She loves to spend time with her sister, Anastacia. She has big dreams of becoming a pilot and loves to read stories of adventure. She is also very active on the soccer field, always giving it her best!...
David’s funny personality always puts a smile on our faces. He is adored by everyone he meets, especially the other boys in the small boys’ dorm. His favorite activity is playing on the swing set at Naomi’s Village Home....
Denzel’s favorite people in the world are his older siblings, Archibella, Lloyd, and Dominic. When he sees them, he runs into their arms for a big hug! He is very generous and likes to share his toys....
You can always find Dominic serving others, especially in the kitchen. He is mature and responsible about his education, working especially hard on his language studies. Dominic is a very talented pool player and he even takes time to teach the aunties how to play!...