Julius shows great talent in art and uses drawing as a way to let his creative juices flow. He is also a bright student who excels in science. But most of all, Julius loves running and aspires to become a professional athlete. We know that he can achieve anything he...
Kevin’s wit is unmatched at Naomi’s Village Home. He always knows when his friends need a laugh and is quick to deliver. Kevin is also brave, compassionate, and very loving. There is a light inside of him that shines brightly, making us all feel so blessed to know...
A natural leader, Kevin K. likes to be the one reading to his peers from the devotion book. He enjoys practicing karate and representing Cornerstone in tournaments. Kevin also works hard in school and loves learning English....
Hannah’s hilarious nature and unique wit keep us laughing. Her favorite activity is dressing up for the Naomi’s Village Talent Show. Nowadays, she is very snuggly and gives the greatest hugs....
Kibet is a wonderful big brother to the little boys and truly enjoys caring for them. A young man of many talents, he enjoys soccer, running, playing pool, and defeating others at checkers. He has a quiet, gentle heart that we admire very much....