Naomi’s Village Blog
Leap Academy: A New Preschool Opens at NV with Big Plans for Little Children
“We can choose to ignore the risks and harm done to children who grow up in a world without books...
Lessons From Madeira
Our family left Kenya 8 weeks ago, heading roughly west to Portugal for Will’s senior trip. Almost...
Signposts on the Road Home
I’ve never really bought into the notion of “heaven on Earth”. The phrase gets tossed around...
With the big kids away from our children’s home at Cornerstone on school days, it has been...
Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents...
A tear formed in the corner of both eyes almost simultaneously, without her making a sound. She...
Why it Matters
Seven years after moving to Kenya, I am handling the tough questions with more confidence now....