by Bob Mendonsa | Feb 2, 2018 | Blog, Featured, Stories of Hope
It’s nighttime and I’m sitting on the wooden bench in the central walkway of Naomi’s Village, listening to wind tousle banana leaves in the garden and the careful quiet that envelops the place when all the kids are finally tucked into their beds and drifting...
by Bob Mendonsa | Jan 24, 2018 | Blog, Featured, Note from Bob
Back in 1987, when we first met in the parking lot outside the McKinney Lions 4A football stadium, Tom D. Harris, Sr. nearly broke my right hand. My crime, looking back on it, must have been having the audacity to think that because I had been dating his daughter...
by Bob Mendonsa | Dec 29, 2017 | Bob and Julie Mendonsa, Featured
“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” –George Bernard Shaw 2017 has been a great year for Naomi’s Village. We have taken on new challenges, lived with a rejuvenated joy in our spirits, and made valuable progress. Despite the usual trials expected with a ministry...
by Bob Mendonsa | Dec 21, 2017 | Anji Sisler, Blog, Change Starts from Within, Featured, Stories of Hope
Our destination lies an hour from Cornerstone Preparatory Academy, past vast expanses of scrubland, dotted with acacia and cactus trees, grazing cattle, goats, sheep, and even the occasional family of zebra. Our winding road passes through the bustling centers of...
by Bob Mendonsa | Dec 1, 2017 | Blog, Featured, Note from Bob, Stories of Hope, Uncategorized
Just before 2 a.m. Saturday morning this past Thanksgiving weekend, our slumbering children’s home suddenly sprang to life. Lights flickered on, squeals of delight filled the air, and 112 small feet rumbled about on the cool laminate flooring of all four children’s...
by Bob Mendonsa | Nov 22, 2017 | Blog, Featured, Note from Bob, Redemptive Viewpoints, Stories of Hope
That day in March as the two sad girls shuffled dutifully across the tiny room to greet me, each extending a small dusty hand, a jarring revelation came with them. I somehow knew at once that they had never known the joy of being anyone’s princesses, of being...